第 43 课:Examining the Baggage 检查行李-2

L:You don't have to pay duty on personal belongings. 个人用品你不必交税。

May I see your handbag? What's there inside? 我可以看看你的手提包吗?里面有什么东西?

B:Yes. Here it is. 可以。你看吧。

L:I'm afraid you have to pay quite a sum of duty on these valuables. 恐怕你对这些贵重物品得付一笔关税,

The rest can be duty-free. 其他的可以免税。

B:These things are not for sale, but as presents for my friends. 可这些东西不是出售 的,而是作为给朋友的礼品。

L:Such goods cannot be duty-free. 这些东西不能免税。