第 62 课:Introduction of Other Services 介绍其他服务项目-2

B:Can my shoes be polished here? 这儿有人为我擦皮鞋吗?

Y:Just have your shoes outside the door if you want them polished. 你要是想把皮鞋擦亮,只要将皮鞋放到门外就行了。

B:Is there a place in the hotel where I can change some foreign currency? 旅馆里有货币况换处吗?

Y:Yes, there's a currency exchange desk on the first floor. 有,一楼有货币兑换 处,

It's a branch of BOC. 那是中国银行的分理处。

B:What if I want something? 要是我想要点什么怎么办?

Y:If you want anything just call the service desk or ring for the attendant. 如果你想要点什么,就打电话给服务台,或者按铃叫服务员。

B:I'm sorry to give you so much trouble. 对不起,给予你增添了许多麻烦。

Y:Not at all. I'm glad to help you. 别客气,我乐意帮忙。