第 74 课:Ordering dishes 点菜-2

B:Since this is my first time in China. What do you recommend I order? 因为我这是初次来中国,你看我点什么菜好?

F:What sort of food would you like? 你喜欢吃什么风味的菜?

B:I'd like hot food. Are there any famous dishes? 我喜欢吃辣的。你们有什么名菜吗?

F:We have chicken in chili sauce, braised beef in brown sauce, spiced diced pork, 我们有麻辣子鸡、红烧牛肉、辣子肉丁、

sauted kidney, roast Beijing duck, sweet-and -sour fish,sour pungent soup, and so on 炒腰花、北京烤鸭、糖醋鱼、酸辣汤等。

B:Do you have tomato and egg soup? 你们有西红柿蛋汤吗?

F:Yes, we do. 有,我们有。