第 75 课:Ordering dishes 点菜-3

B:A plate of chicken in chili sauce, a plate of sweet-and- sour fish, 请来一盘麻辣子鸡、一盘糖醋鱼。

and a bowl of tomato and egg soup,please. 和一碗西红柿蛋汤。

F:According to Chinese tradition,we serve the food first and then the soup, 按中餐习惯,我们先上菜后上汤,

but we'll bring you the soup first if you like. 如果你要先上汤也可以。

B:I'm used to having soup first. 我习惯先喝汤。

F:Very well. I'll get it for you right now. 好,我马上就去为你端汤。