第 78 课:Paying the Bill 付账-1

F:Mr. Brwon, how do you like the dishes? 你觉得这菜怎么样,布朗先生?

B:These dishes are all delicious. I like them very much. 这些菜都很可口,我很喜欢。

F:What else do you want? 还要什么其他的东西的吗?

B:No, thanks. I have had enough. Please let me have the accounts settled. 不用了,谢谢。我吃饱了,请结帐。

F:Here is your bill, Mr. Brwon. 这是你的账单,布朗先生。

B:How much should I pay? 我应付多少钱?

F:Let me see. A plate of chicken in chili sauce is thirteen yuan. 让我看看。一盘麻辣子鸡13元,

A plate of sweet-and- sour fish is ten yuan. A bowl of tomato and egg soup is five yuan. 一盘糖醋鱼10元,一碗西红柿蛋汤5元,