第 81 课:Greeting the Guest 招呼顾客-2

G:Oh, no. A couple of minutes, at the most. 噢,不会的,最多几分钟。

B:Can you do it in half an hour (a half hour)? 半小时内能理完吗?

G:Oh, yes. Half an hour is plenty of time for a haircut and shampoo. 噢,可以的。半小时理发洗头是绰绰有余的.

Do you want a shave as well? 你还要不要刮刮胡须?

B:Oh, no. I'm growing a beard. 喔,不刮。我在留胡子呢!

G:Well, now, if you excuse me for having you wait a minute. 那么,是否劳驾等一 会呢?