第 94 课:Asking the Postage 询问邮资-2

Three yuan and forty fen for the the airmail to New York, 一封寄往纽约的航空信3.4元,

three yuan for the two airmails to Hongkong and Beijing. 寄信香港和北京的两封 航空信3元,

They come to eighteen yuan and forty fen. 总共18.4元。

B:Here is twenty yuan. 这里是20元。

C:Here are the stamps for your letters and your change. 这些是你的邮票和找头。

Please put these airmail stickers on the up right corner of the envelope. 请航空标签贴在信封右上角。

B:All right. 好。

C:This is the postal receipt. Please keep it. Anything else? 这是邮件收据,请你 保存起来。还有什么事吗?

B:Can I send a telegram to America here? 我可以在这里拍个电报去美国吗?

C:No. Please go to the next counter. 这里不拍电报,请去下一个柜台。