Milt: Give it up, man. When you go to pick up your prize, the first thing they'll want is all your credit card or bank information. After you leave, they'll steal all your money. 放弃吧,老兄。你去领奖时,他们就会先跟你要所有信用卡或银行的数据。你离开后,他们就把钱全偷走。
Seth: Now that you mention it, my friend Jake just got his bank account ripped off last week. 听你这么一说,我朋友杰克银行户头里的钱上星期才被骗走。
Milt: See what I'm telling you? These days is just swarming with con artists. 你懂我的意思了吧?最近到处都是骗子。
Seth: But that was different. He got a phone call from a professional sounding woman who knew everything about him-his full name, bank account, date of birth, work and home address. 但是那不一样。他是接到一通女人打来的电话,声音听起来很专业,而且知道他的全部基本资料─名字、银行账户、生日、公司和家里的地址。
Milt: They say all that just to make you trust them. 他们说那些只是为了要取得你的信任。
Seth: It worked. She told Jake she worked for the bank and needed him to go to the ATM and key in some info. She talked really quickly and gave him no time to think. He did what she said and then his life savings went “poof” and disappeared! 是很有效。她告诉杰克她是银行行员,需要他去自动提款机输入一些数据。她讲话很快,不让他有时间思考。他照着她所说的去做,一生积蓄就 ‘噗'一声不见了!
Milt: And even after hearing Jake's story, you're all ready to go out and get scammed, too. Some people are born suckers. 就算听了杰克的故事,你还是准备好要去被骗。有些人天生就是冤大头。