第 20 课

A: Then, I'll see you next week, Ms. O'Brian? 那么,我下星期来见您,奥布莱恩女士。

B: Yes. Let's say Tuesday at noon. Bring your portfolio with you. 好。就定在星期二中午。带上您的作品。

A: Certainly. Is there anything else you would like me to bring, Mr. O'Brian? 当然。还有其他什么东西您想让我带来的吗?

B: No, that's all. I already have your resume. 没有了,就这些。我已经有你的简历表了。

A: Mr. Reynolds? Rick Murphy. I'm the accounting manager for Macmillan and Emory, Incorporated. 雷诺得女士吗?我是瑞克·摩菲。麦克米兰和埃莫里公司的财务经理。

B: Nice to meet you. How can I help you? 很高兴认识你。有什么事吗?

A: I would like to meet with you to discuss some discrepancies on our payroll account. 我想见你一次,讨论一下我们工资账上的出入。

B: Certainly, Mr. Murphy. Could you come to my office this afternoon at 2:30? 好的,摩菲先生。你能今天下午2:30到我的办公室来吗?

A: Well, Mr. Brooks. I'm sorry, again, for the delay, but we should have everything completed by the time you get back. 那么,布鲁克斯先生,我再次对耽搁表示道歉,但您下次回来时我们会把所有的事情都办妥的。

B: I certainly hop so. Can we arrange to meet on the 27th? That should give you enough time. 我当然希望如此了。我们可以安排在27号见面?这样你们会有足够的时间。

A: Yes, sir. That's more than enough time. I do appreciate your understanding. Why don't we say 10:00 o'clock on the 27th? 是的,先生。还有富余。谢谢您的理解。我们是不是可以定在27号上午10点?

B: Fine, Mr. Tan. I'll see you then. 好,谭女士。到时候见。