第 36 课

A: I don't have any time to spare, Jenny. 我一点时间也抽不出来,詹妮。

B: I understand you're a busy man, Mr. Black. I just wanted to show you these samples. 我知道您是个大忙人,布莱克先生。我只想给您看一眼这些样品。

A: No, I'm sorry. I've told you I don't have any more time and I mean it. I'm afraid you're going to have to go. 不行,很抱歉。我跟你说过我没有时间,就是没时间了。恐怕你得走了。

B: I see, Mr. Black, I'm sorry to have taken up so much of you time, sir. 我明白,布莱克先生。请原谅我占用了您那么多时间,先生。

A: Janet? You still have not given me those files I've asked you for. 詹妮特?我要的文件你还没给我呢。

B: I'm sorry, Mr. Myers. I've just been so busy today. 对不起,迈尔斯先生。我今天实在太忙了。

A: I really don't want to hear your excuses, Janet. We're running a busy office here. You're going to have to keep up. 我根本不想听你的借口,詹妮特。我们这儿干的就是忙事。你必须得跟上。

B: You're right, sir. I apologize. I'll get those files for you now. 您说的对,先生。很抱歉。我这就给您拿文件。

A: John, I've asked you not to smoke in here! I don't want to see you smoking in my office again. 约翰,我告诉过你不要在这儿抽烟。我不容许你再在我办公室抽烟了。

B: I'm sorry, Ms. Fairbanks. I won't let it happen again. 对不起,费尔班克斯女士。我再也不会了。

A: That's what you said the last time! If you want to smoke, you'll have to use your break time and go outside! 你上回就是这么说的!如果你想抽烟,你必须用休息时间而且得到外边去!

B: I understand, Ms. Fairbanks. 我明白,费尔班克斯女士。