第 38 课

A: Grant? Can we talk about this bonus plan of yours? I've got a few problems with it. 格兰特?我们能讨论一下你定的这个奖金方案吗?我有几个问题。

B: Sure, Richard. What's on your mind? 当然,理查德。你是怎么考虑的?

A: Well, to be honest, I just don't think we're going to have enough funds to give the kind of bonuses you have in mind. 嗯,坦率地说,我只是觉得我们没有那么多的钱来实现你的方案。

B: Well, why don't we sit down and work out the numbers? We can always scale down the bonuses if we have to. 好,为什么我们不可以坐下来,算一算钱数?如果必要,我们随时可以缩小奖金幅度的。

A: Jason. There's a snag in the plans for the Hoover Center. 杰森。胡佛中心方案出了麻烦。

B: What's wrong? I thought everything was set. 怎么了?我想所有问题都解决了呀。

A: Well, it was. But the contractor's just told me he's not going to be able to finish by the twentieth, as planned. 是解决了。可是那承包商刚刚告诉我他不能按原计划在20号前完工。

B: Maybe we could work out an overtime schedule. It's definitely worth it to finish by the twentieth. 也许我们可以制订一个加班计划。为保证20号前完工,这肯定是值得的。

A: Excuse me, Mr. Graham? I have something I need to discuss with you. 对不起,格雷厄姆先生。我有点事得跟您商量。

B: I'm in a bit of a hurry, Louise. Can it wait? 我这会正在忙,路易丝。可以等等吗?

A: I would really appreciate it if we could talk for a few minutes now. It's about the overtime you've asked me to put in. 我很想和您现在谈谈,就几分钟。是关于您让我加班的事。

B: All right. Why don't you have a seat? What's the problem? 那好。怎么不坐呢?有什么困难?