第 43 课

A: Where's the James's file, Christine? 詹姆斯的档案在哪里,克莉丝汀?

B: I had it right here a minute ago, Mr. Emory. Umm. Just a minute… 一分钟以前还在这里,埃默里先生。嗯。请稍等一会……

A: Christine, I know you're new here and there's a lot to learn, but you are going to have to learn to keep your work in better order. We can't afford to lose an important document. 克莉丝汀,我知道你是新来的,而且有很多新东西得学,但你必须要学会使你的工作更有条理。我们丢不起任何重要文件。

B: Yes, sir. I apologize for that. Here's the file you were looking for, Mr. Emory. 是的,先生。我为此道歉。这是您要找的文件,埃默里先生。

A: Hello, Mr. Compton? This is Susan Miller. 喂,康普顿先生吗?我是苏珊·米勒。

B: Hi, Susan. What can I do for you? 嗨,苏珊。有什么事吗?

A: I'd like to take tomorrow off if that's all right with you. 我想明天请一天假,如果您允许的话。

B: Let me take a look. Just a second. That's no problem, Susan. See you on Wednesday. 我看一下,请稍等。没问题,苏珊。星期三见。

A: Good morning. Macmillan and Emory. May I help you? 早上好。麦克米伦及埃莫里公司。需要帮忙吗?

B: Is this the accounting department? 是财务部吗?

A: No, I'm sorry. You've reached Mr. Macmillan's office. Let me just put you through to accounting. 对不起,不是。你打的是麦克米伦先生的办公室。我帮你转到财务部吧。

B: Thanks. I appreciate that. 非常感谢。