第 55 课

A: Hi, Sally! You are talking to the proud father of a new baby girl! 嗨,莎利!你正和一个刚得了个女儿的得意的爸爸说话呢!

B: Congratulations, Bob! That's great news, what's her name? 祝贺你,鲍博!真是好消息!她叫什么名字?

A: We've named her Alice after my wife's grandmother. 我们给她起名叫爱丽丝,用我太太祖母的名字。

B: That's a pretty name. Give your wife my best! 漂亮的名字。替我问候你的太太。

A: Hey, Philip! You won't believe this! 嘿,菲利普!你不会相信的!

B: What? What's the good news? 怎么啦?什么好事?

A: My son, Harvey just got into Harvard! He starts next September. 我儿子哈威刚刚考入哈佛。九月份上学。

B: That's wonderful! You must be really proud of him! 真不错。你一定为他感到非常骄傲吧!

A: You are going to be really jealous when you find out where I'm headed for the holidays! 你要知道我度假去哪儿你肯定会妒忌坏了!

B: Don't tell me! I'm sure it's someplace warm and sunny with great beaches! 不用说!肯定是个充满阳光的温暖的海滨什么的。

A: You got it! I'm going to spend two fabulous weeks in Hawaii! 你猜对了。我要在夏威夷度过两个星期的快乐时光。

B: You are so lucky! Send me a postcard! 你太走运了!给我寄张明信片来。