第 58 课

A: How's your little girl, Debbie? 你的女儿怎么样了?苔比?

B: Oh, she's just fine. She's so grown up now. 喔,她好极了。现在长得很大了。

A: How old is she? 她几岁了?

B: Four and a half going on twelve! 四岁半,像十二岁的似的。

A: Hey, Doug! How'd it go at that meeting yesterday? I know you were pretty anxious about it. 嘿,道格!昨天的会开得怎么样了?我知道这让你盼望已久了。

B: Fantastic! I got the promotion! 棒极了!我被提升了。

A: Great! When do you take over? 太好了。你什么时候接管工作?

B: After the new year. 新年以后。

A: Hi, Jim! When did you get back? 嗨,吉姆。什么时候回来的?

B: Yesterday. I was really sorry to see it end. The skiing was terrific! 昨天,非常遗憾结束了。滑雪真是太好玩了。

A: I'm really jealous! I won't be able to get any time off for at least another three or four months. 真让我忌妒。我起码三四个月内没时间休息。

B: Sorry to hear that! But I would definitely recommend this place! 那太遗憾了。不过我绝对建议你去这个地方。