第 59 课

A: Did you hear that they are going to start an exercise class after work? 你听说他们下班后要到一个健身班吗?

B: Oh really? When is it going to start? 噢,真的?什么时候开始?

A: Next month. I think. Are you going to sign up? 你想是下个月。你报名吗?

B: Well, I'd like to, but I'm going to have to look at my schedule. 是啊,我是想报。但得先看看我的日程安排。

A: Has your son started school yet, Tom? 你儿子上学了吗?汤姆?

B: Next week, it's going to be quite a shock for him! 下星期。这会让他吃惊不小。

A: He'll get used to it. They always do. I still remember when my daughter started. Are you going with him on his first day? 他会适应的。孩子们都这样,我还记得我女儿当时的样子。第一天你和他一起去吗?

B: You bet. I wouldn't miss it! 当然了。我绝不会错过。

A: The new computer software is driving me crazy! I really need a break! 这个新的电脑软件快要把我逼疯了。我真的需要休息了。

B: I know what you mean, Carol. I've had nothing but trouble with it. They say it's supposed to be easy! 我明白你的意思,卡罗。除了麻烦,它什么也没给我。他们说这应该是很容易的。

A: That's what I've heard. But as far as I'm concerned, it takes a genius to figure it out. Can you pass the sugar, please? 我是这么听说的。可让我说只有天才才能弄清它是怎么回事。你能把糖递给我吗?

B: Sure. Why don't you sit down for a minute? You haven't taken a rest all morning. 当然。你为什么不坐下来歇会呢?你一上午都没休息。