第 60 课

A: You won't believe who's been elected to do overtime on the Baker account! Me! I've already logged in 20 hours of overtime! 你想象不到谁被选中加班做贝克项目了。我!我已经加了20小时班了。

B: Wow! Why so much? I thought they were getting you an assistant. 哇!怎么这么长啊?我以为他们要给你派名助手呢!

A: They were supposed to, but so far nobody's turned up, and I'm left on my own to do the work. This is the first break I've had all day. 应该是。可是到目前为止还没有人来呢,只剩我一人在做这事。这是我一天来头一次休息。

B: They're really running you into the ground. Why don't you ask for some time off? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere. 他们对你有点太过分了。你为什么不请几天假呢?你可以到什么地方度一个长周末。

A: Hi, Sandy. Do you have a minute? 嗨,仙蒂,有空吗?

B: Yes, John. I'm on my break. What's going on? 有,约翰。我正在休息。有事吗?

A: Not much. I just wanted to see how you were. How's married life treating you? 没什么大事。我只想看看你怎么样。你对新婚生活感觉如何?

B: Great, except for my mother-in-law! Sometimes I think I married her instead of my husband! How about you? 很好,除了我婆婆,有时我觉得我是和她结婚而不是和我丈夫。你怎么样?

A: Hi, Alex. How are you doing? 嗨,爱利克斯,你好吗?

B: Just fine, Karen. I'm just taking a breather from all this paper work! 很好,凯伦。我刚放下手里的文件喘口气。

A: I know the feeling. I'm calling to let you know about this new Italian place I found. It's right around the corner. 我知道这种感觉。我打电话是要告诉你我发现的那家新意大利饭厅。它就在街口的拐角处。

B: I'll have to try it. You know how I am about Italian food! What's the name? 我一定得去尝尝。你知道我对意大利饭很馋!那餐厅叫什么名字?