第 61 课

A: John! Wait a second! I was just heading downstairs for a cup of coffee. You want to come? I've got some good news! 约翰,等一下。我正要下楼喝杯咖啡。你想一起来吗?我有好消息。

B: Sure. Let me just grab my wallet. You certainly do look happy this morning. 好啊。等我拿钱包。今天早上你看上去真高兴。

A: I am. Don't worry about getting your wallet. It's my treat. 我是高兴。别去拿钱包了。我请客。

B: This is a first! You must have won the lottery. 这可是头一回。你一定是中彩票了吧。

A: How are you, Kim? I haven't seen you around for a few days. 你好吗?金姆?好几天没见到你了。

B: Oh, I was out sick most of last week. I'm still not completely over it. You'd better not get too close! 噢,上星期我大部分时间在休病假。到现在还没全好呢。你最好别靠我太近。

A: I'm sorry to hear about that. Why don't you join me for a hot cup of tea? It'll be good for you! 非常遗憾。来跟我一起喝杯热茶吧。对你有好处。

B: Sure, why not? I could use a rest. 好啊,何乐而不为呢?我可以借机休息一下。

A: Hi, Ellen. That outfit looks terrific! 嗨,爱伦。这身外套真棒。

B: Thanks, Jim. I didn't think guys paid attention to stuff like that. 谢谢,吉姆。我不知道男孩子也会注意这类事情。

A: No, we just don't usually admit it! 不是不注意,只不过通常不承认罢了。

B: Well, thanks for the compliment anyway! 不管怎么样,谢谢你的夸奖。