第 62 课

A: Jack! Do you want to see a picture of my new puppy? 杰克!你想看看我新的小狗的照片吗?

B: Sure. I thought people only showed off pictures of their new babies, not new pets! 当然。我以为人们就爱向人炫耀自己新生孩子的照片,不是新宠物的。

A: Well, this is my new baby. He's just as much trouble. That's for sure! But, he's a lot of fun! 嗯。这就是我的新孩子。他同样麻烦,这点毫无疑问。但是,他太好玩了。

B: I see what you mean. He's really cute. How old is he? 我明白你的意思。他的确可爱。他多大了?

A: Philip, I was really glad to hear about your award. Congratulations! 菲利普,听说你获奖我真是高兴。祝贺你!

B: Thanks, Denise. Actually, I was really surprised. I mean, there were a lot of qualified people out there. 谢谢。荻妮丝。事实上这很使我意外。我是说,够条件的人很多。

A: Sure. But the work you did was really exceptional! You definitely deserved it! 那倒是。但你的工作的确非常出色,当然受之无愧。

B: Thanks a lot. I expect to see your name nominated pretty soon, too. You've been doing some great work! 非常感谢。我期待着很快能见到你也被提名。你也一直干得很出色。

A: Melissa? I'd like to invite you to my wife's birthday party. 梅丽莎?我想请你参加我妻子的生日聚会。

B: Thanks, Frank. I'd love to come. When is it? 谢谢,弗兰克。我非常愿意参加。什么时候?

A: Her birthday is on the 9th. We're going to have dinner at a Mexican restaurant, and then maybe go out dancing. 她的生日是在9号。我们准备在一家墨西哥餐馆吃晚餐,之后也许去跳舞。

B: Sounds like fun. You can count me in! Just give me directions to the restaurant. 听起来很开心。你可以算上我一个!告诉我那家餐馆在哪。