第 108 课:Body Talk 身体语言-3

Similarly, the smile cannot always be interpreted as a sign of friendliness. 同样道理,微笑也并不能总是解释为友好的表示。

The person who smiles almost constantly and with little apparent reason makes us uneasy. 如果一个人老是朝着我们微笑,又没有明显的理由,就会使我们感到不安。

Even though he may believe that he is expressing friendliness, he may really seem nervous and tense. 即使这个人自己认为他是在向你表示友好,很可能让人觉得那人很紧张很不自然。

In other animals, bared teeth are a warning gesture, a danger sign. 在其他动物中间,呲牙是警告的姿势,是一种危险的信号。

Genuine warmth or interest can be revealed in the eyes, suggests Dr. Eckhard Hess of the University of Chicago, who believes that the pupils of the eyes can indicate emotion or interest. 真正的热情和兴趣可以从眼神当中表现出来,这是芝加哥埃克哈特o赫斯博士提出来的。他认为眼睛的瞳孔可以表达感情和兴趣。

The opened pupil tends to be associated with pleasant, satisfying experiences. 瞳孔扩张一般总是与愉快的令人满意的经历有关。

That special sparkle in the lover's eyes need not be fantasy, for love may make the pupil grow larger. 情人眼神中闪现出的神采不一定就是你的幻觉,因为爱情可以使瞳孔扩大。

Sometimes when we feel that a person is "warm" or "friendly", it is possible we are reacting to a form of non-verbal communication - his opened pupils. 有时我们觉得某人"热情"、"友好",这很可能是我们对他所用的非语言文字的交际形式作出了反应--他的瞳孔扩大了。

The next time you are at a party, take note of some of the silent messages being sent around you. 下次你参加社交聚会时,多留意一下你周围的人所传送的无声的语言信息。

Notice which persons seem to draw naturally together to speak, which others try to stay further apart or even avoid meeting each other's eyes. 注意一下,哪些人很自然地就聚扰在一起谈话,注意一下还有哪些人互相间尽量离得远些,甚至尽量避免接触对方的目光。

You may find that this silent language is much more fascinating than the actual conversation going on around you. 你会发现这些无声的语言远远比你周围的人所实际进行的有声的交谈更能触动人们的心灵。