第 140 课:Return of The Chain Gang 又把犯人串在一起了-3

However, the re-introduction of these measures has caused a great deal of strong disagreement. 但是,恢复这些措施招致了许多人的强烈反对。

Human rights organizations say that putting prisoners in chains is not only inhumane but also ineffective. 一些人权组织认为,把犯人用铁链拴在一起既不人道也不起什么作用。

Alvin Bronstein, member of the Civil Liberties Union, says that study after study has shown that you cannot prevent people from committing crimes by punishment or the threat of punishment: "公民自由联合会"的会员阿尔文布朗斯坦认为,研究一再证明不能靠惩罚或用惩罚威吓来阻止犯罪,

"What they will do is make prisoners more angry, more hostile, so that when they get out of prison, they will increase the level of their criminal behavior." "他们这样做的结果是犯人更加恼怒,抵触情绪更厉害。等出了狱,他们会变本加厉地做坏事。"

Civil liberties groups say that chaining people together doesn't solve the causes of crime, such as poverty or disaffection within society. What it does is punish prisoners for the ills of society. 一些公民自由组织认为,把人用铁链拴起来不能消除像社会中存在的贫困以及不满等犯罪根源;它的作用不亚于为惩罚囚犯来维护社会的弊病。

They say the practice takes the United States back to the Middle Ages, and that it is a shame to American society. 他们觉得这是让美国退回到了中世纪,是美国社会的耻辱。

But that's not an argument likely to win favor among many people in the Deep South of the United States. 但这种说法看来不大可能赢得美国南方腹地几个州的人民的响应。

Alabama's experiment is to be widened to include more prisoners, and other States, such as Arkansas and Arizona, will very probably introduce their own chain gang schemes. 阿拉巴马很快就要在更多的囚犯身上使用这个办法,像阿肯和亚利桑那等其他几个州也很有可能实行各自的一套串绑囚犯的办法。