第 142 课:The New Music 新音乐-2

Of course, white musicians had always played the blues, but essentially as imitators of the Negro style; now it began to be the white bands' own music. 白人摇滚乐队也开始尝试布鲁斯。其实白人音乐家一直都在严奏布鲁斯,不过基本是模仿黑人的风范的折衷与融合。

And all of the groups moved towards a broader eclecticism and synthesis. They freely took over elements from jazz, from American country music, and as time went on from even more diverse sources. What developed was a music readily taking on various forms and capable of an almost limitless range of expression. 他们随意的从爵士乐、乡村音乐中吸取养分,随着时间的推移甚至从更多来源中各取所需,很快一种形式各异的极具有表现力的音乐形成了。

The second thing that happened was that all the musical groups began using the full range of electric instruments and the technology of electronic amplifiers. 其次所有的音乐组合都开始使用全套电子乐器和电子扩间技术。

The electric guitar was an old instrument, but the new electronic effects were altogether different - so different that a new listener in 1967 might well feel that there had never been may sounds like that in the world before. 吉他是旧式乐器,但是新的电子效果却完全不同,在1967年第一次听到它的人恐怕会感觉到以前世界上从来没有像这样的音响。

Electronics did, in fact, make possible sounds that no instrument up to that time could produce. 电子技术确实制造出了此前乐器无法发出的各种声响。

And in studio recordings, new techniques made possible effects that not even an electronic band could produce live. 在录音室录音,新的技术能做出连电子乐队现场都演奏不出的效果。

Electronic amplifiers also made possible a fantastic increase in volume, the music becoming as loud and penetrating as the human ear could stand, and thereby achieving a "total" effect, so that instead of an audience of passive listeners, there were now audiences of total participants, feeling the music in all of their senses and all of bones. 电子放大器也可以使音量大到极至,音乐显得洪亮而有穿透力,震耳欲聋,因而达到一种彻底的效果,使得听众不再是被动的接受者,而是完全地投入,用整个身心去感受音乐。

Third, the music becomes a multi-media experience; a port of a total environment. 第三,音乐成为一种多媒体的感受、整个环境中的一部分。

The walls of the ballrooms were covered with changing patterns of light, the beginning of the new art of the light show. 舞厅的墙上闪烁着变幻莫测的灯光。这是新的灯光艺术的开始。

And the audience did not sit, it danced. With records at home, listeners imitated these lighting effects as best they could, and heightened the whole experience by using drugs. 观众不是正襟危坐,而是跳动不已。家中有唱片的人会模仿那些灯光效果,并使用实物来加强整体的感觉。

Often music was played out of doors, where nature provided the environment. 音乐还往往以大自然为背景室外演奏。