第 153 课:Leisure and Leadership 休闲与引导-2

Those with a better education and in professional occupations may tend more to seek recreation and personal development (e.g., cultivation of skills and hobbies) in leisure.受过较好教育的人和职业较为专业的人可能倾向于在休闲中寻找消遣和个人发展。

The specific use of leisure varies from individual to individual. Even the same leisure activity may be used differently be different individuals. 休闲的具体用途因人而异。甚至同样的休闲活动各人做起来也可能功能不同。

Thus, the following are possible uses of television watching, a popular leisure activity: 下面是看电视的可能的用途,这是一种很常见的休闲活动:

a change of experience to provide "escape" from the stress and strain of work; to learn more about what is happening in one's environment; to provide an opportunity for understanding oneself by comparing other people's life experiences as portrayed in the programmes. 换种体验,从工作压力里"逃开";了解更多身边的事情;通过比较节目中他人的生活经验提供一个了解自身的机会。

In an urban society in which highly structured, fast-paced and stressful work looms large in life, experiences of a different nature, be it television watching or bird-watching, can lead to a self-renewal and a more "balanced" way of life. 城市生活中,结构严密,步伐迅速,工作压力在生活中投下阴影,不同性质的经验,不管是看电视还是看鸟,都能达到自我更新更平衡的生活方式。

Our likes and dislikes, tastes and preferences that underlie our choices of such activities as reading books, going to the cinema, camping, or certain cultural pursuits, are all related to social contexts and learning experiences. 我们的好恶、品位、喜好决定了我们是选择看书、看电影、露营、或某种文化追求,而前者又同社会环境和学习经验有关。既然休闲基本上是个人决定的事,就可以做任何给自己带来愉悦和满足的活动,发展个人兴趣爱好。

We acquire interests in a variety of things and subjects from our families, schools, jobs ,and the mass media. 我们从来自家庭、、学校工作和大众传媒的事物中获得各种兴趣。