特别广播英语第 192 课:Let Your Mind Wander 让头脑畅想-5 Do not picture yourself as anything, and you will drift like an abandoned ship at sea." 如果不去描绘自己的未来,你就会像大海上的弃船一样随波逐流。"
To get the results, you should picture yourself - as vividly as possible - as you want to be. 为了获得成功,你应该把自己描绘成你想要成为的样子--尽可能生动形象。
The important thing to remember is to picture these desired objectives as if you had already attained them. Go over several times the details of these pictures. This will deeply impress them on your memory, and these memory traces will soon start influencing your everyday behavior toward the attainment of the goal. 要记住的重要一点是描述这些形象的细节,这将深深地把它们铭刻在你的记忆中,这些记忆痕将很快影响你的日常行为,直至达到目标。
While exercising your imagination, you should be alone and completely undisturbed. 在想象时,你应该独处,而且丝毫不受外界干扰。
Some individuals seem to have the ability to tune into their private selves in the midst of the noisiest crowds or company. 有些人似乎能在最嘈杂的人群中进行自我调节,进入安静状态。
But most of us, especially when the experience is new, require an environment free from outside distraction. 但我们中的大部分人,特别是在刚开始做白日梦时,需要一种免受外界干扰的环境。
A life lived without fantasy and daydreaming is a seriously impoverished one. 没有想象和幻想的生活是极为贫乏的生活。
Each of us should put aside a few minutes daily, taking short 10- or 15-minute vacations. 我们每个人应该每天拿出几分钟时间,让自己享受10到15分钟的假期。
Daydreaming is highly beneficial to your physical and mental well-being, and you will find that this modest, inexpensive investment in time will add up to a more creative and imaginative, a more satisfied, and a more self-fulfilled you. 白日做梦对你的身心健康有益,你会发现这一小小的廉价的时间投资最终带来的是一个更有创造性、更富想象力、更心满意足和更踌躇满志的你。
It offers us a fuller sense of being intensely alive from moment to moment, and this, of course, contributes greatly to the excitement and joy of living. 它常常便我们更充分地意识到生活的紧张激烈,这当然大大有助于增加生活的兴奋和乐趣。