第 196 课:To Sleep, Perchance to Dream 睡觉,偶尔做做梦-4

At this point, the doctors found themselves puzzled. 在这一点上,医生们自己也感到困惑。

They knew from their earlier work that sleep determines if people feel happier. 在他们以前的研究中,他们知道睡眠决定着人们是否会更高兴。

Yet when they studied the various sleep stages, they found no correlation between sleep physiology and the unhappy mood. 然而,当他们研究各个睡眠阶段时,他们发现在睡眠的生理状况和忧郁的情绪之间没有关系。

Clearly sleep made a difference, but that difference didn't relate to how much time one spent in each of the various sleep stages. 很显然,睡眠会带来差异,但是这种差异与人们花在每一睡眠阶段的时间长短没有关系。

The two researchers decided the key to whether we feel happy or unhappy after sleep must lie in sleep's psychological component - our dreams. 两位研究者断言,睡眠以后我们是否感觉高兴的关键肯定是取决于睡眠的心理构成部分--我们的梦。

So they began studying dream content - what dreamers dreamed and who appeared in their dreams - to see how this affected mood. 所以他们就开始研究梦的内容:人们梦到了什么、谁大梦中出现--来弄清楚梦会怎样影响到情绪。

Instead of sleeping through the night, volunteers now were awakened four times while in REM sleep. 参加试验的志愿者不能整夜睡眠,相反,在REM睡眠中,他们被唤醒四次,

They were asked about such things as what their dreams were about; the sex, age, identity, and number of the people in their dreams; and what each person in a dream was doing. 然后回答问题,如他们梦的内容、梦中人物的性别、年龄、身份和数量,以及梦中每一个的所作所为。

Interestingly, Kramer and Roth found that being awakened four times a night didn't make a difference in the volunteers' morning mood patterns. 令人感兴趣的是,克莱默和罗斯发现一夜被唤醒四次并没有使志愿者早上的情绪模式发生改变。