第 198 课:To Sleep, Perchance to Dream 睡觉,偶尔做做梦-6

The doctors also checked into this relationship, and they have found some interesting correlations. 而且他们已经发现了一些有趣的相互关系。

"We found that the more friendly, more aggressive, more clear-thinking, less sleepy, and surprisingly, the more unhappy you are, the better you perform. 克莱默说:"我们发现,人越友好、越有锐气、思维越清晰,也就越一困倦,令人惊奇的是,你越不高兴,但是活儿却干得越好。

That last one - the unhappy - I can't explain," Kramer says. Moreover, the level of person's moods and the level of his or her performance rise and fall together throughout the day. 最后这种情况不高兴--我解释不了。"而且一个人情绪水平和他行为水平在一天中的上下波动总是一致的。

Initially the two VA researchers worked only with men, because the dreams of men are far easier to study. Men and women dream differently. 最初,退伍军人管理医院的研究只对男人进行了研究,因为男人的梦研究起来容易得多。男人的梦和女人的梦是不同的。

Indeed, sex is the biggest factor in accounting for differences in the people activities, locations and feelings that occur in dreams. 的确,在解释梦中出现的人物、他们的活动、活动地点和他们的感觉差异时,性别是最重要的因素。

Dr. Kramer says, "When you compare men and women, you get a greater difference in dream content than when you compare, say, 20- and 60-year-olds, or black and white." 克莱默医生说:"但你对比男人和女人时,你会发现他们梦的内容有很大的不同,这种不同与你比较,比如20岁和60岁的人或者黑人和白人要大得多。"

Last year the VA researchers began studying the relationship of sleep, dreams, and mood in women. 去年,退伍军人管理医院的研究者开始研究妇女的睡眠、做梦和情绪的关系。

This work is continuing, but the initial findings reinforce what they had found in men. 这项工作正在继续进行,但是一开始的发现有力地证实了他们在对男人研究时的发现。

"Overall, the women are just like men," Kramer says. "总的来说,男人和女人几乎没有什么两样,"克莱默说。