特别广播英语第 209 课:The Seeds of Wrath 愤怒的种子-2 At sports events, if white and black are present, they support opposing sides and the result is friction - so much so that in many grounds only whites are allowed. 在体育赛事中,如果白人和黑人都在场,他们会支持各自一方,结果就会发生磨擦--这种磨擦如此之在以至于有些场地只允许白人进入。
It is illegal for white and black to play chess together. And whites who tried to play football in a team with black members were prosecuted. 白人和黑人一块下棋是非法的,试图在有黑人的球员的球队踢足球的白人会受到指控。
And in a society where these ugly barriers exist, it is better to pretend that they are not there. 在这些丑陋的障碍存在的社会里,最好是佯装不知它的存在。
The result is that the writers and poets of white South Africa are incapable of producing any work which truthfully reflects their society; 这样做的结果是南非白人作家和诗人不能创作出真实反映其社会生活的作品,
and so deep has this kind of blindness entered that no work of any real worth has been produced in South Africa for many years. 这种视而不见对人们生活的影响如此之大以至于多年来南非就根本没有过真正有价值的作品。
Perhaps one might expect the writers among the blacks, in a situation full of tension and pain, to produce works which live. 或许有些人期盼处于紧张和痛苦之中的黑人作家们会创作出反映其真实生活的作品,
But for them apartheid presents another problem; to be frank is to be banned. 但对他们而言,种族隔离带来另一个问题:坦率是被严禁的。
And so writers like Alex la Guma were silenced by banning orders, or others, like Alfred Hutchinson and Bloke Modisane fled the country. 所以像亚历克斯·拉顾玛这样一些作家都因禁令而保持缄默。或者像其他作家如阿尔弗雷德·哈奇逊和布娄可·莫狄森逃往国外。
For Nat Nakasa the pledge he was required to sign - to leave his country and never return proved too much; he committed suicide in New York.证明更为过分的是纳特·纳卡萨,他被迫发誓离开他的祖国,永不回来,结果在纽约自杀了。
Even white writers - Andre Brink, for instance - who have dared to criticise, or appear to criticise, the apartheid society have suffered. 即使像安德烈·布林可这样的白人作家们,他们敢于批评或者似乎要去批评隔离社会也遭到了不幸。
Their works have been banned, or they have been savagely attacked by the official spokesmen of apartheid. 他们的作品被禁止,他们受到了种族隔离官方发言人的猛烈攻击。