第 235 课:The Carton King of Japan 动画大师宫崎骏-1

Television cartoons are big business in Japan, where around 40 new animated TV series are produced every week. 在日本,电视卡通是个大生意,每个星期会制作出大约40部新的电视动画系列剧。

One of the country's most popular animators, Hayao Miyazaki, has produced some of the great classics of Japanese TV animation. 宫崎骏是日本最受欢迎的漫画家之一,他曾制作了多部日本电视动画的经典巨作。

Nevertheless,he finds television too restrictive, and prefers to make full-length animated movies. 然而,他发现电视创作太受限制,因而更喜欢创作正片长度的动画电影。

Though he is not well-known outside Asia, Hayao Miyazaki is a household name in his homeland. 尽管他在非亚洲国家的名气并不响,但在他的国家,宫崎骏可是家喻户晓。

His amazing drawing skills, entertaining plots, and well-rounded characters have made timeless masterpieces out of films such as “Princess Mononoke” and “My Neighbor Totoro.” 他令人惊叹的绘画技巧、引人入胜的故事情节和充满活力的人物使其多部作品成为影坛上不朽佳作,如《魔法公主》和《龙猫》。

He is widely respected by Japanese of all ages, and has won the admiration of animators and filmmakers around the world. 在日本他广受各年龄段人的喜爱,也赢得全世界漫画家与制片人的一致赞赏。

Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo in 1941. His family owned a factory that built airplanes, and he fell in love with planes and flying at an early age. 1941年宫崎骏出生于日本东京。他的家族拥有一座制造飞机的工厂,他早年也曾醉心于飞机及飞行。

Anyone familiar with his films has seen the often breathtaking flying scenes that are his personal trademark. 熟悉宫崎骏电影的人,都很熟悉他影片中经常出现的常令人叹为观止的飞行场景,那正是宫崎骏动画的一大特色。

Miyazaki's career as an animator began in 1963 when he joined Toei Animation to work on a TV series called “Wolf Boy Ken.” 宫崎骏于1963年加入东映动画社,开始了他的动漫画家生涯,他参与了创作电视卡通系列片《狼少年》。

While there, he fell in love with a fellow animator, Akemi Ota, who later became his wife. 在那儿他与同为漫画家的大田明美相恋并结为夫妻。

At Toei, he also teamed up with Isao Takahata, beginning a partnership that would last many years and lead to some of the great success stories of Japanese animated film. 在东映工作时,宫崎骏和高畑勋搭档,开始了他们多年的合作关系,也因此创造了日本动画电影史上数部超级卖座片。