第 252 课:Gossip: Have You Heard? 流言流言莫牵挂

Hello. You know me. I am in your office, at your parties, and on your phone. 喂。你认识我。我就在你的办公室里,在你的聚会里,在你的电话里。

I am cunning and cruel. I have the power to ruin your life. 我既狡诈又残酷。我拥有足以毁掉你一生的力量。

For amusement, I will break your heart and cause you to have sleepless nights. I have made governments collapse and marriages fall apart. 闲极无聊,我会伤透你的心,让你辗转难眠。我已经让政府垮台,婚姻破裂。

Since I have no face, you have no protection against becoming my victim. 因为我没有脸,你毫无防备,成为我的牺牲品。

Try and find me if you dare. But I leave no trace and have no friends. 如果你有胆量,就设法来找我。但我不会留下任何痕迹,而且我也没有朋友。

My power grows over time. People believe me the more I am quoted. 我的力量与日俱增。我被传述得越多,人们就会更相信我。

Once I encounter your reputation, it will be changed forever. Who am I? 一旦我扯上了你的名誉,你将声名狼藉。我是谁?

I am Gossip. I have existed since people could talk, and I will be here long after you are gone. 我就是“流言”。从人可以说话起我就一直存在;在你过世后,我仍将在此长存。

So remember to ask yourself the next time you repeat a story about somebody: Is it true? Is it fair? 所以要记住,下一次当你要重述有关某人的故事时,先问问自己:是真的吗?公平吗?

If the answer to either of these questions is no, then perhaps you should keep quiet. 如果两个问题中有一个答案是“不”,那么也许你就该保持沉默。