第 254 课:World Cup Fever Hits Asia 世足热蔓延全亚-2

It is impossible to say when soccer was first played. People have been kicking objects around for fun since time immemorial. 很难说人们第一次玩足球始于何时。自古以来人们为了取乐就将身边的东西踢来踢去。

The modern version of the game, however, clearly began in 1863, in England. That was when the London Football Association published the first set of soccer rules. 然而球赛的现代版本确实是在1863年始于英国。当时正是伦敦足球协会出版了第一套足球规则。

Besides setting the rules, the association gave the game its formal name: association football. 除了制定规则,这个协会还为球赛取了一个正式的名称:英式足球。

The popular term “soccer” is thought to be derived from “association.” 众人皆知的名称“足球”被认为是由“协会”这个词衍生而来。

England may have set the rules, but many people argue that the game's spiritual home is Brazil. 英国人也许制定了足球的规则,但许多人认为足球灵魂的故乡是巴西。

The South American country is home to the world's most successful and admired national team. 这个南美洲国家是全世界最成功、最为人欣赏的球队的家乡。

Famous for their free-flowing, elegant style, often referred to as “samba soccer,” the Brazilians have carried home the World Cup trophy no fewer than four times. 巴西人以自由、文雅的踢球风格闻名,常被认为是“桑巴足球”,他们抱回世界杯的奖杯足足有四次。

Despite some poor results recently, it would be foolish to dismiss Brazil's chances in World Cup 2002. 尽管近年来战绩有些不太好,但小看巴西队在2002年世界杯足球赛的获胜机会是愚蠢的。