第 266 课:Eddie's Lucky Day 埃迪走运了?

Hotshot Eddie was on his way to school. As usual, he was taking his time and thinking about his future life as an international superstar. 吹牛大埃迪正在去学校的路上。和平常一样,他慢悠悠地走着,想着未来身为国际巨星的日子。

And as usual, he was not paying attention to where he was going. 也和平常一样,他没留意自己在往哪儿走。

Walking through the school gates, Eddie bumped into "Gorgeous" Georgia Green, the prettiest girl on campus. 走过学校门口时,埃迪碰到了全校最美的女孩—"漂亮女孩"乔治娅·格林。

In an instant, he was on cloud nine. "It's my lucky day!" he thought. 霎那间埃迪简直飞上了云霄。"今天我可真走运!"他想,

"I've been dying to talk to her for weeks." "几个星期来我一直很想跟她聊一聊。"

Gorgeous Georgia did not look pleased, but Eddie was not a guy to pass up a good opportunity. 漂亮女孩乔治娅看起来有点不高兴,但埃迪不会是个坐失良机的人。

He was also not a guy to beat around the bush. 他也不是说话拐弯抹角的人。

"Hey, Gorgeous," he said, helping her pick up her books that he had accidentally knocked to the ground. "嘿,漂亮女孩,"他边说边帮她捡起被他不小心碰掉在地上的书,

"Want to have lunch with me today?" "今天想和我一起吃午饭吗?"

"No, thanks," replied Georgia. "Since you seem to be as clumsy as an ox, I'm afraid you might stab me with a fork or something.""不,谢了,"乔治娅答道,"你看起来笨手笨脚的像头牛,我怕你可能拿叉子或别的什么会戳到我。"

With that, she stood up and walked away quickly. 说完她站起来迅速地离开了。