第 268 课:In the Eye of the Tiger 虎视眈眈

One day, while on vacation, a man was captured by a crazy robber. 一天,一个人在度假时被一名疯狂的强盗抓了起来。

The robber put the man in a net and hung him from a tree with a rope. 那强盗用网把他罩住,然后用绳子把他吊在树上。

The rope went over a branch and was tied to a stake in the ground. 绳子绕过树枝绑在地面的木桩上。

The robber put a burning candle under the rope near the stake. 强盗在木桩附近的绳子下面放了根点燃的蜡烛。

When the candle burned through the rope, the man would fall from the tree. 当蜡烛烧断绳子时,这个人就会从树上掉下来。

It just so happened that a tiger showed up and waited under the tree. 这时一只老虎正好出现了,虎视眈眈地在树下等着。

The man was very scared and thought about what to do. 这个人吓坏了,想着怎样才能逃生。

Q: What do you think the man did to save himself from being eaten? 问题:你认为这个人用了什么方法才能虎 口脱险?

A: He sang the "Happy Birthday" song to the tiger, and the tiger blew out the candle. 答案:他对着老虎唱"生日快乐歌",唱完老虎就把蜡烛吹灭了。