第 269 课:Welcome Back, "Oscar" 奥斯卡旋风再现! -1

Get ready all you movie fans! The 74th annual Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars, will be coming soon to a television near you. 所有的影迷们赶紧准备好!第74届年度学院奖,即众所周知的"奥斯卡"金像奖,即将通过电视屏幕呈现在您眼前。

On March 24, 2002, movie stars and fans will be waiting in suspense to see who will take home the evening's favorite man, "Oscar." 2002年3月24号,影星和影迷们将焦急地等待着,看谁能抱回当晚最抢手的小金人"奥斯卡"。

We have known who the lucky nominees are since they were announced on February 12. 由于被提名人的名单已于2月12日公布,我们已经得知哪些幸运儿获得了提名。

Now everyone, from the movie critic to the average movie-goer, can participate in Oscar fever by trying to predict who the winners might be. 现在从影评人到普通的电影观众,每个人都可以试着预测谁会是最后的赢家来加入到这股奥斯卡热潮中。

The Academy Awards celebrate the best and brightest talents in the movie industry. 学院奖旨在表扬电影业最优秀和最杰出的人才。

It is a night when people in all areas of filmmaking are rewarded for their hard work and creativity. 参与电影制作各个领域的人们在典礼当晚因自己的努力和创意获得奖励。

With the combination of glamour, fame and live television, it is no wonder the night provides such great entertainment. 由于它的名声与魅力加上电视实况转播,奥斯卡之夜有这样丰富的娱乐盛况也就不足为怪了。

This year will mark the 74th anniversary of the Oscars. 今年将会是奥斯卡的74周年纪念。