第 270 课:Welcome Back, "Oscar" 奥斯卡旋风再现! -2

The first ceremony, on May 16th, 1929, was a private dinner in a dining hall of the Roosevelt Hotel. 1929年5月16日举行的第一届颁奖典礼,只是在罗斯福饭店宴会厅举办的一场私人晚宴。

The tickets were US$10, and fewer than 250 people attended that evening. 当时的门票只有10美金,而且当晚与会人数不到250人。

Public interest in the awards that year ensured that the next year's ceremonies would be broadcast live over the radio. 公众在那年对金像奖的兴趣促成了对次年的颁奖典礼进行电台现场直播。

Since that time, the Oscars have come a long way. 从那时起,奥斯卡取得了很大进展。

The awards are now watched on television by millions of viewers in over 100 different countries. 现在100多个国家的数以百万的观众可以通过电视转播收看颁奖仪式。

This year the event will be held in the brand-new Kodak Theater. 今年的颁奖典礼将在崭新的柯达剧院举行。

This new theater promises to be a beautiful and elegant site, suitable for the Hollywood royalty that will be attending. 这座新的剧院可望成为适合好莱坞名流出席的优美典雅的场所。

The Kodak Theater will also be perfect for another important part of the ceremony, the "red carpet." 它对典礼的另一个重要部分─"红地毯"也会非常合适。