第 278 课:Who Was the Real Genghis Khan 大漠英豪─成吉思汗-2

They gave him the title Genghis Khan, which means "emperor of all emperors." 他们赋予他成吉思汗的称号,意即"王中王"。

Having united the tribes of Central Asia, Genghis Khan turned his attention elsewhere. 一统中亚各部落后,成吉思汗将注意力转移它处。

His ambition was world conquest, and he advanced at an astonishing rate. 他的雄心壮志是征服全世界,而他也以惊人的速度向目标挺进。

He invaded northern China and captured Peking, but was unable to subdue the whole country. 他入侵中国北方并一举攻占北京,但无法征服整个中国。

Instead, he turned westwards. By the time of his death in 1227, he had created an empire that stretched from the Pacific coast to the Caspian Sea. 于是他改向西进。成吉思汗于1227年逝世,到那时他已经建立了一个东起太平洋海岸西至里海的帝国。

The Mongols were superb horsemen who won their victories with a technique of pretending to retreat, then launching a surprise attack. 蒙古人骑术精湛,往往欲擒故纵,然后再出奇制胜。

Their discipline and organization made them extremely effective fighters. 他们的纪律和组织使他们成为精锐无比的战士。

They were expert archers and could maintain total control of their horses while keeping both hands free for fighting. 他们箭术高明,在两手战斗的同时,还能自如驾驭自己的坐骑。

Genghis Khan's armies were divided into tightly organized units which were directed by an efficient signaling system using black flags. 成吉思汗的军队是分成组织严密的小队,用一种高效率的黑旗信号系统指挥。

Their favorite tactic in open battle involved provoking an attack, and scattering as the enemy came forward. 他们在广漠战场上最喜欢使用的策略包括激怒敌方出击,和在敌军向前冲锋时四处散开。