第 283 课:Where Do Rainbows Come From? 彩虹来自何方-2

In the seventeenth century, the scientist Isaac Newton and the mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes analyzed them very carefully. 在十七世纪,科学家牛顿和数学家兼哲学家的笛卡尔,就非常仔细地分析过彩虹,

They concluded that rainbows were caused when sunlight was broken up as it passed through raindrops. 他们断定-彩虹的形成是因为阳光穿过雨滴时被打散所致。

When it rains, the colors that make up white light separate because they bend at different angles when they pass through water. 下雨时,那些构成白色光的颜色穿过水滴时以不同的角度被折射而散开,

The result is the full spectrum of colors the human eye can see, as well as some that it cannot; at the outermost edges of a rainbow lie ultraviolet and infrared light. 就形成了完整的光谱,其中有些颜色肉眼能看得到,有些看不到;彩虹的最外围是紫外线和红外线。

Everyone knows that we can sometimes see rainbows on a rainy day. 大家都知道,有时在雨天我们能看到彩虹。

However, you actually have a chance of seeing a rainbow anytime there is light behind you and water in the air in front of you. 其实,只要你身后有光线,面前的空气中有水分,任何时候都有机会看到彩虹。

So, if you want to know what it feels like to have the power of a god, get a spray bottle, stand with your back to the sun, and create a rainbow! 所以,如果你想试试当上帝的感觉,就拿一瓶喷雾器,背向太阳,自己做一道彩虹吧!