第 285 课:Destination: JAPAN! 去日本-2

Still the cultural center of Japan, Kyoto is an absolute must-see. 仍然是日本文化中心的京都是一个必游的景点。

The city is filled with traditional wooden buildings, temples, shrines, and castles, some of which are over 1,000 years old. 这个城市里到处都是传统木造的建筑物、寺庙、神坛及城堡,有些已有一千多年的历史。

Kyoto can be reached from Tokyo by bullet train. Riding the bullet train is an interesting experience in and of itself. 从东京出发,可以坐子弹式高速列车到京都。搭乘子弹式高速列车也是相当有趣的经历。

Some prime destinations in Kyoto are Kiyomizu-dera, an exquisite Buddhist temple, and Nijojo, one of the few large castles in Japan that was not destroyed during World War II. 京都的一些主要景点有:清水寺──精致典雅的佛寺,以及二条城──日本极少数在第二次世界大战中没被摧毁的大城堡之一。

However, the greatest thing about Kyoto and the surrounding Kansai region is the people. 不过,京都与周边关西地区最大的特色还是当地的居民。

They are very friendly, and enjoy a more relaxed pace of life than people in Tokyo. 他们非常友善,比起东京人,他们享受着比较轻松的生活节奏。

If you have some extra time, you might take a side trip to Nara, which was the capital before Kyoto. 如果你有多余的时间,你可以顺便到奈良一游。它是京都之前的首都。

Nara houses one of the largest bronze Buddha statues in the world. 奈良收藏了世界最大的青铜佛像之一。

Also interesting is Osaka, the biggest city in Kansai, known for its fun-loving, boisterous people. 关西第一大城──大阪亦富有生趣,以其好娱乐、喜喧闹的居民而闻名。