The more sulfur a person consumes, the more hydrogen sulfide is produced. 硫化物摄取得越多,硫化氢的产量也会越多。
Foods rich in sulfur include beans, cheese, cabbage, eggs, and soda. 含有丰富的硫化物的食物包括豆类、奶酪、卷心菜、蛋和苏打水。
Other factors besides diet determine the amounts and relative proportions of fart gases. 饮食外的其它因素则决定屁的多少和组成气体的相对比例。
The type of bacteria inside the digestive tract and the amount of air a person has swallowed will affect the outcome, so to speak. 比如,消化道内的细菌种类和人所吸进的空气量就是影响因素之一。
A nervous person might swallow a lot of air, which then moves quickly through the digestive system before the blood has a chance to absorb it. 容易紧张的人可能会吸进大量空气,在血液还没吸收前,空气已经快速通过了消化系统。
A potential fart will contain a greater proportion of inert, non-odorous nitrogen, the longer it is held inside the body. 空气在体内停留的时间越久,尚未放出的屁中含有惰性、无臭的氮气的比例就越高。
These variables combine to produce flatulence of varying quality and quantity. 由于这些因素的综合影响,便产生了种种不同的肠胃胀气。
Understanding these contributing factors can help a person control them. 了解这些相关因素将有助于人们对其加以控制。
Do not get too flustered about farting, however. As they say, even kings and queens do it. 不过,可别对放屁过于紧张。大家都知道,每个人都会放屁,即使皇帝和皇后也不例外。