第 290 课:The Making of Isaac Newton 牛顿+苹果=万有引力-2

Newton entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1661. 1661年,牛顿进入著名的剑桥“三一学院”。

He arrived at a promising time, when more and more scholars were beginning to question long-held beliefs about the world. 他正好赶上了一个充满希望的时代。当时有越来越多的学者开始对人们长久以来所持的关于世界的理论提出疑问。

This new attitude was being expressed through a growing interest in science and mathematics. 而人们对科学和数学日益高涨的兴趣,也清楚表明了这种新的看法。

After graduating in 1665, Newton planned to study for a master's degree, but the university was closed due to an outbreak of the plague. 1665年牛顿从大学毕业后,打算攻读硕士学位,但大学却由于鼠疫的爆发而关闭。

He returned to his home village for 18 months, during which time he did most of the thinking that led to his later work on gravitation and optics. 他回到家乡呆了18个月,他以后在万有引力与光学方面的研究大部分是在这个时期蕴酿构思完成的。

This was also when the apple incident is said to have occurred. Newton's first biographer claimed he heard the story from the man himself. 据说著名的“苹果事件”也是在这段时期发生的。第一个撰写牛顿传记的作家声称他是从牛顿本人口中听到这个故事的。

Newton returned to Cambridge in 1667, completed his studies, and at the age of 27, became Lucasian Professor of Mathematics there. 1667年,牛顿回到剑桥,完成了他的学业,并在27岁时成为剑桥学院的数学教授。

He was given this position on the recommendation of his predecessor , and held it for 27 years. 他是通过前任教授的推荐而获此教职,担任了27年之久。