第 298 课:How Self-Acceptance Leads to Happiness Within

Secure people do not give up when faced with a difficult situation; they say "I can" rather than "I can't." 有安全感的人面对困境时不轻易放弃;他们说“我可以”,而不说“我不行”。

Knowing that each day is an opportunity to use their talents to acquire good health, good friendships, and great happiness, they always put their best foot forward. 他们知道每一天都有机会施展所长,总是全力以赴,得到健康、友谊及幸福。

Contented people do not judge others, nor do they judge themselves. They can appreciate the differences between themselves and other people. 懂得知足的人不评论别人,也不评判自己。他们能欣赏自己和别人的不同之处。

Recognizing the details that we cannot change about ourselves is also a sign of personal growth. 能认清我们无法改变自己这个事实也是一个人成熟的表现。

We cannot change our height, so why waste energy complaining about being short? 既然我们不能改变自己的身高,那么又何必浪费力气抱怨自己长得矮呢?

Our energy would be better spent on more constructive projects. 把我们的精力用在更积极的计划上会更好。

Instead of dwelling on personal characteristics we are not satisfied with, we ought to focus more on what we are good at.与其在自己不满意的个人特征上钻牛角尖,不如把精力放到我们擅长的事情上。

Such expressions as "Love thyself" and "to thine own self be true" are about self-acceptance and confidence, as well as honesty and morality. 像“珍爱自己”、“忠于自我”就是自我接纳、自信的一种说法,也是对自己诚实与道德的一种表达。

We should consider them to be good advice, and treat them as signposts showing the way to happiness within. 我们应该把它们当作金玉良言,并看作是通往内心幸福之路的路标。