第 299 课:Golf: There's nothing like it!

When most people think of golf, they probably think of Tiger Woods jet-setting to golf courses around the world winning prestigious tournaments and making a lot of money. 大多数人一想到高尔夫球,可能就会想到泰格·伍兹乘喷气客机到世界各地的高尔夫球场赢得备受注目的锦标赛,并赚进大把的钞票。

It seems hard to believe that what is now an international sport and multimillion-dollar industry evolved from origins as humble as hitting a pebble around sand dunes with a stick. 很难相信如今这个价值高达数百万美元的国际性工业,是从随便拿根棍子,在沙丘上挥打鹅卵石这种微不足道的运动发展起来的。

It is generally agreed that golf was first played in Scotland in the 15th century. 普遍认为高尔夫的第一场比赛是15世纪时在苏格兰举行的。

Its popularity spread throughout the 16th century, and the first international golf match took place in 1682 between players from England and Scotland. 它从16世纪开始普及起来,首场国际性高尔夫球赛就是在1682年举行的,选手均来自英格兰及苏格兰。

Clubs began forming soon after, and concrete rules of the game were established. 不久,高尔夫俱乐部开始成立,同时也确立了具体的比赛规则。

The Industrial Revolution brought a period of change for golf. 工业革命为高尔夫运动带来了一段变革时期。

Suddenly, with the mass production of golf clubs and balls, the average person could afford to play. 突然间,随着高尔夫球杆及高尔夫球的大量生产,普通百姓也可以玩这项运动。