第 310 课:Love is All We Need 爱情大补帖-2

It seems love really can be uplifting. 由此看来,爱情似乎真的能使人精神振奋。

The state of being in love, according to some scientists, may actually be good for your health. 根据某些科学家的说法,处在恋爱的状态或许真的对健康有益。

Although scientists know that being in love can make a person feel great, the precise influence of love on a person's health is harder to determine. 虽然科学家知道恋爱使人感觉棒极了,爱情对于一个人健康的精确影响却比较难以测定。

However, scientists say that people do need love in order to live healthy lives. 不过,科学家表示,为了过健康的生活,人的确需要爱情。

According to Dr. Thomas Lewis, people need to be in relationships because that is how we are designed. 根据托马斯·利瓦伊斯博士的观点,人需要维持与他人的某种情感关系,是因为我们先天就是这样被设计出来的。

He says the brain can only maintain the overall stability of a person's immune system, bodily rhythms, and heart if it receives input from outside the body in the form of emotional connections with others. 他说,大脑只有从体外接收到与他人情感联系信息的时候,才能维持一个人免疫系统、机体节奏和心脏整体的稳定性。

Professor Antonio Damasio has a similar view. 安东尼奥·达玛西欧教授也持类似的看法。

He says that love nourishes a person's imagination and creativity, and makes a person's body work better. 他说爱情可以丰富人的想象力与创造力,而且可以使人的身体运作得更好。

He also believes that love can even improve the body's ability to fight disease. Damasio's wise words of advice are: “Choose love and you will live longer.” 他也相信爱情甚至可以增强身体对疾病的抵抗力。达玛西欧明智的建议是:“选择爱情,你会活得更久。”