Seeing is believing, but it is the pictures NASA used as proof of the lunar landing that have raised questions. 眼见为实,但正是NASA用作证据的登月照片引起了质疑。
NASA took the now-famous pictures of Neil Armstrong planting a waving American flag on the moon. NASA拍摄了尼尔·阿姆斯特朗在月球插上飘扬的美国国旗这张如今举世闻名的照片。
But considering that the moon has no atmosphere, and thus no wind, how can the flag be waving? 但是想想月球上没有大气,因此也没有风,国旗又如何能飘扬起来呢?
More doubt about the truth of the lunar landing comes from NASA's claim that it used regular slide film to take pictures on the moon. 更多关于登陆月球真相的疑惑来自NASA声称他们是用普通幻灯片在月球上拍摄的。
Conspiracy theorists point out two problems with this claim: Normal film will freeze and shatter if it gets colder than minus 20 degrees Celsius; it gets much colder than that on the moon. 阴谋论者对此提出两点疑问:一般的底片若置于摄氏零下20度会冻结而破裂;月球上的温度更低。
Secondly, there are high levels of radiation in space. Since film is sensitive to radiation (film is not even supposed to be put through the X-ray machines at an airport) 第二,太空中有强烈的辐射。既然底片对辐射非常敏感(底片甚至不应该被机场的X光机检验),
how did NASA end up with pictures unaffected by it? Conspiracy theorists would like to know. ...NASA又如何能拍出这些不受辐射影响的照片?这是阴谋论者想知道的…