第 318 课:Eddie Gets a Job—Almost 埃迪碰钉子

Hotshot Eddie needed money to buy a new guitar. 自命不凡的埃迪需要钱买把新吉他。

His old one was on its last legs, and if he wanted to become a famous rock star, he needed the right equipment. 他的旧吉他快报废了,而如果他想成为一名著名的摇滚明星,他需要合适的装备。

Eddie went to his mother and put his cards on the table, asking her for the money to buy a new guitar. 埃迪去找他妈妈说明事实,向她要钱买把新吉他。

His mother refused point-blank. She told him that if he wanted to live a successful life, he should try harder. 他母亲直截了当地拒绝了他。她告诉埃迪如果他想过功成名就的日子,他就该多加把劲。

Next, Eddie turned to his sister, Gillian. 接着埃迪向他妹妹吉莉安求助。

She was a smart cookie, and Eddie felt sure she would be able to suggest something. 她是个聪明的家伙,埃迪相信她能提出好的建议。

He was right. Gillian told him to get a part-time job at Billy's Burgers. “Great idea” said Eddie. “How much do they pay?” 他猜对了。吉莉安叫他去比利汉堡店打工。“好主意!” 埃迪说。“他们付多少钱?”

“Peanuts,” said Gillian. “It will take you years to save up enough money for a guitar, but at least you'll have something to do. “少得可怜。” 吉莉安说,“你得用好几年才能存够钱买把吉他,但至少你会有事情做。

Now go away. I'm trying to read.” 现在快走开。我要看书了。”