第 323 课:A Treasure Ship Captain 郑和下西洋──三保太监的不朽航程-1

Early in the 15th century, a huge fleet of ships set sail from Nanjing. 15世纪初,一支浩浩荡荡的船队从南京启航。

It was the first of a series of voyages that would, for a brief period, establish China as the leading power of the age. 这次远航揭开了其后一连串海上航行的序幕,并在短暂时间内为中国确立了大国领先的地位。

The voyage was led by Zheng He, the most important Chinese adventurer of all time and one of the greatest sailors the world has ever known. 郑和统帅了这次远航,他是中国历史上最重要的探险家,也是举世闻名的最伟大的航海家之一。

In fact, some people think he was the original model for the legendary Sinbad the Sailor. 事实上,还有些人认为他是传说中水手辛巴达的原型。

In 1371, Zheng He was born in what is now Yunnan Province to Muslim parents, who named him Ma Sanpao. 公元1371年,郑和出生在现在的云南省的一个穆斯林家庭里。

When he was 11 years old, invading Ming armies captured Ma and took him to Nanjing. 他的父母给他取名为马三保。马三保11岁时,被入侵云南的明军掳至南京,

There he was castrated and made to serve as a eunuch in the imperial household. 被净身后入宫,选去王府做内宫太监。

Ma befriended a prince there who later became the Yong Le Emperor, one of the Ming Dynasty's most distinguished. 马三保在王府期间和王太子成为了好朋友,王子后来成为明成祖永乐皇帝,是明代最出色的皇帝之一。

Brave, strong, intelligent and totally loyal, Ma won the trust of the prince who, after ascending the throne, gave him a new name and made him Grand Imperial Eunuch. 马三保英勇、强壮、足智多谋,又赤胆忠心,因此深得王太子的信赖。王太子登基之后,赐给马三保“郑和”这个新的名字,同时提升他为内宫监太监。