第 332 课:Land of the Midnight Sun 芬兰——圣诞老人的家乡-1

One of the lands of the midnight sun, Finland has much more to offer than the cold nights, saunas, and skiing it is often associated with. 芬兰,一个在午夜可以见到太阳的国家,除了常被人们想到的寒夜、桑拿浴与滑雪,还有更多风格独特的面貌。

Visitors are enchanted by charming villages alongside sophisticated cities and the largest unspoiled wilderness in Europe.优雅城市周边的迷人村庄和欧洲占地最广、未遭人工破坏的荒野,往往令游客们陶醉不已。

Finland is one of the most progressive countries in the world. 芬兰是全球最发达的国家之一。

For example, traffic fines are linked to gross income; an Internet millionaire recently paid US$70,000 for a speeding ticket. 举个例子,其交通罚款的金额视个人总收入而定。最近一名网络巨子就因超速驾驶支付了7万美元的罚单。

A reputation for efficiency and organization has also made Finland host to many international meetings. 芬兰也因其高效率和很强的组织力的美誉而主办了许多国际会议。

This modern country maintains its traditions and hearty spirit, celebrating many festivals. 这个现代化的国家仍保留其传统和蓬勃的朝气,并为许多节日举办庆祝活动。

Its most popular Midsummer's Day finds many Finns lighting bonfires and drinking enthusiastically at their country homes. 在芬兰最受欢迎的"施洗约翰节"这天,可以看见许多芬兰人在他们自己的乡间农舍,点燃篝火,痛快畅饮一番。

Finland is also home to the world's longest-running rock festival, Ruisrock. 芬兰也是世界上历史最悠久的摇滚音乐节"路易斯摇滚"的主办地。