第 336 课:Is Cloning the Future? 克隆一个你?-2

The cloning of human cells provides the potential to find cures and eliminate diseases. 克隆人类细胞有可能会找到治愈疾病的疗法并消灭疾病。

The dream of some researchers is to create a utopian world of good health. 一些研究人员的梦想是建立一个健康的乌托邦世界。

Others question whether it is right to "Play God" in an attempt to cure the disabilities and diseases of this world.其他研究人员则质疑人类企图治疗世上的伤残和疾病去扮演上帝的角色是否正确。

Some of the great hopes for cloning include the ability to perform transplants, whenever they are needed, using cloned organs. 人们对克隆的一些伟大希望包括在需要进行移植手术时,人们能使用克隆器官。

For example, people with lung cancer may simply have their lungs replaced with healthy ones. 例如:肺癌患者可能仅需换个健康的肺。

Scientists also look forward to the day when people in wheelchairs can walk again, and illnesses such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease can be prevented. 科学家也期待着有一天,长期坐轮椅的人能再站起来,老年痴呆症及帕金森氏症等疾病也都能事先预防。

Many people fear the effects cloning could have on our society. 许多人担心克隆对社会带来影响。

They imagine masses of identical people, and the production of "perfect" humans for warfare or slave labor. 他们想像可能会出现一大群长得一模一样的人,和应战争或苦役需要而制造出的“完美”人类。

We might even see headless human bodies being stored at hospitals for their "spare parts." 我们甚至可能看到存放在医院中作备用的无头的人体。

With such thought-provoking possibilities for the 21st century, human cloning will no doubt continue to receive widespread attention and scrutiny. 在21世纪具有如此能激发思考的种种可能性的情况下,克隆人类毫无疑问会继续受到广泛的关注及审视。