第 338 课:Ichiro: Shining out of Japan 引“郎”入室,一棒定江山-1

Baseball may be known as America's favorite pastime, but the truth is Americans do not have a monopoly on the game. 人们可能知道棒球是美国人最喜爱的休闲活动。但事实上,美国人并没有垄断棒球运动。

The popularity of baseball has spread with the American empire and is now played in ballparks from Toronto to Taipei, from Seattle to Seoul. 随着美利坚帝国的发展,棒球也在广泛流行,从多伦多到台北,从西雅图到汉城,各地的球场上现在都有棒球赛在举行。

And ever since the major leagues allowed non-whites to play, some of the best players in the game have come from outside the United States. 自从大联盟允许非白人球员参赛后,一些最优秀的运动员就从美国以外的国家而来。

So why all the fuss about one Japanese player Ichiro Suzuki (just plain "Ichiro" to his fans) joining the American League and playing outfield for the Seattle Mariners. 因此,日本名将铃木一郎(球迷称他“一郎”)加入美国联盟,并在西雅图水手队打外野又有什么值得大惊小怪的?

Maybe part of it is the inherent human dislike of change. 他受到众多的非议也许部份是由于人类厌恶改变的天性。

Every major innovation in baseball has brought howls of derision and protest from fans, players, and critics; having an all-star player from Japan play in the major leagues represents change. 棒球赛每逢重大变革,总会引起球迷、球员和评论员的起哄和抗议;大联盟引进日本超级巨星一郎就代表了一种变化。

However, there is also the inherent nationalistic pride that Americans feel about their game, their players, and their league. 何况,美国人对于他们的球赛、球员及联盟,存有与生俱来的民族主义的自傲感。

Japan was supposed to be the place where American professional players went when they could not make it in the big leagues; 日本是那些进不了大联盟的职业球员才会去的地方,而不应该是产生大联盟明星球员的地方。