第 340 课:Ichiro: Shining out of Japan 引“郎”入室,一棒定江山-3

For the kid from the sticks, this was the big time. Still, he dreamed of playing in the majors. 作为一个偏远农村的孩子,这太了不起了。然而,他的梦想依旧是参加大联盟比赛。

Then, last year, the Seattle Mariners did a US$28 million deal with the Blue Waves to get Ichiro. 去年,为了得到一郎,西雅图水手队和欧力士蓝浪队达成两千八百万美元的一笔交易。

Despite the protests from fans and sports writers that Japanese players could not cut it in America, Seattle obviously thought the deal made sense. 管球迷们及诸多体育运动专栏作家提出抗议,认为日本球员在美国不可能成功,西雅图显然仍认为这笔交易是值得的。

They needed a player who could score on the field and score with the fans. 尽他们需要一个既能在球场上取得成绩,又能使球迷称快的选手。

In Ichiro, it seemed, they would get what they needed. 看起来,在一郎身上他们可以得到他们所需要的一切。

So how has the diminutive Ichiro fared in the big American show?那么,瘦小的一郎在偌大美利坚舞台上的演出又如何呢?

His .350-plus batting average and multi-game hitting streaks have made him an all star and silenced most of his critics,他超过35%的打击率及连续多场比赛击出安打的表现,已使他跻身明星球员之列,并使所有的评论员都哑口无言。

his fielding has made him a regular feature on TV sports highlight shows; and his fan appeal has made the Mariners' owners very, very happy. 他的防守让他成为体育节目精彩镜头中的常客,他对球迷的魅力让水手队的老板喜出望外。

Not bad for a small Japanese import. 这一小宗日本进口货还真不赖。