第 343 课:Original Sin : In the Thriller Tradition

Moviegoers are getting set to be thrilled as sultry Angelina Jolie and Latin hunk Antonio Banderas steam up the screen in the new erotic thriller Original Sin . 影迷们又将会受到惊恐的招揽!性感诱人的安吉丽娜·朱丽将和拉丁俊男安东尼奥·班德拉斯联袂出现在最新艳情恐怖片《原罪》中。

Set in late nineteenth-century Cuba, the film is sure to entice audiences with its compelling cast, suspenseful plot, and exotic locale. 本片以19世纪末的古巴为背景,其超强 的演员阵容,充满悬念的情节以及异国情调的场景肯定能吸引广大观众。

Antonio Banderas plays Luis, a wealthy coffee merchant looking for love. 安东尼奥·班德拉斯扮演路易斯── 一个寻觅爱情的富有咖啡商。

He corresponds with a mail-order bride who describes herself as "plain",but is pleasantly surprised to meet gorgeous Julia (Angelina Jolie) instead. 他跟一名自称长相一般的“邮购新娘”书信往来,结果竟喜出望外地遇上了漂亮的朱丽娅(安吉丽娜·朱丽饰)。

After Luis's initial delight, he finds that his enigmatic new bride brings trouble. 乍见时的喜悦过后,路易斯发现他谜一样的新娘竟带给他无尽困扰。

The newlyweds become entangled in desire, obsession, and revenge in a story containing many dark twists and turns. 这对新婚燕尔的夫妻随即陷入到这个充满欲望、迷乱与复仇的黑暗曲折的故事之中。

Audiences have loved movies that keep them on the edge of their seats since the all-time master of thrillers, Alfred Hitchcock, made his first film in 1925. 自空前绝后的恐怖片制作大师阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克在1925年推出首部巨作后,观众们就爱上了这种让人紧张不安的电影。

Designed to elicit intense excitement and nerve-racking tension, thrillers create suspense by placing the protagonist in a perilous situation from which escape seems impossible. 恐怖片旨在引起观众强烈的感官刺激,挑起神经撕裂般的紧张,影片把主角置身于似乎无法逃离的险境中来制造悬念。

The main character is often unknowingly lured into this potentially lethal predicament by a seductive femme fatale, as in Original Sin . 主角经常会被一名销魂蚀骨的蛇蝎美女迷惑,在不知不觉中陷入致命的困境。《原罪》即为一例。

It remains to be seen whether or not Original Sin will become a thriller classic. 《原罪》能否成为恐怖片的经典仍需拭目以待。

But if you are looking for a good cliff-hanger, you might try some films voted among the best of the genre such as Psycho , North by Northwest , The French Connection , Rosemary's Baby , and Jaws. 但倘若你正在寻找一部惊险电影佳作,不妨欣赏这类电影的上上之选,如:《惊魂记》、《西北偏北》、《法国贩毒网》、《罗斯玛丽的婴儿》和《大白鲨》等等,这些都是不错的选择。