第 356 课:Down with Depressio 性命“忧”关-1

1. Everyone has a bad day once in a while. Problems at work, arguments with family members, or even changes in the weather can all bring us down and leave us feeling unhappy for a day or two. 每个人都会偶尔的遇上倒霉的事。工作中的问题、家庭成员的争执、甚至天气的变化都能让我们沮丧一阵子,难过一两天。

But if this mood lasts for more than a few days, a person may be suffering from depression, and will need to seek the advice of a physician. 但是如果这种情绪持续了好些天,那么这个人就有可能是患了忧郁症,需要向大夫求助。

2. Depression is a mood disorder classified by its own peculiar symptoms. 忧郁症是情绪上的失调,可以根据其独有的症状加以辨别。

These include a pervasive feeling of sadness, disruption of sleep patterns including both insomnia and hypersomnia, disturbances in appetite and weight, listlessness, lack of interest (leading to withdrawal from friends and social events), diminished ability in memory and concentration, low self-esteem and feelings of guilt, and finally, thoughts of suicide-the most serious symptom of all. 症状包括长时间的情绪低落、睡眠不规律(包括失眠及睡眠过度)、食欲不振及体重减轻、无精打采、缺乏兴趣(导致疏远朋友、回避社会活动)、记忆力衰退、无法集中注意力、缺乏自信和负罪感,最终则会出现自杀的念头──这是忧郁症最严重的症状。

3. The causes of depression are unique to each individual and very complex. 忧郁症的肇因因人而异,而且十分复杂。

Tendencies toward depression can run in families, pointing to a genetic link in many cases. 忧郁症的倾向会世代相传,在许多情况下与基因有关。

The roots of a depressive episode may lie in one's childhood environment, or in a traumatic event in later life. 其根源可能是由于幼年环境,或是在晚年经历了痛苦而难忘的事件。

It is generally believed, however, that neurochemical imbalances and disruptions in the brain are above all responsible for triggering depressive symptoms. 然而,尤其是神经化学的失衡和脑神经分裂被公认为引发忧郁症的原因。

The good news is that there are several effective treatments available to fight depression, and that most sufferers begin feeling better within several weeks of beginning therapy. 好消息是现在已有数种有效的治疗方法问世,而且大部分患者在最初数周的治疗后即会有所好转。